Welcome to Grateful Homestead

(541) 207-2164

Welcome to Grateful Homestead

(541) 207-2164

    Our Mission and Products

       We are a family of 5 living near the South Umpqua River in beautiful Southern Oregon. There is always a lot to do on the homestead as it continues to grow. There are new opportunities to be grateful around every corner. To hear amazing stories about why we are grateful click the link.

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    Eggs For Sale

       Our Hens roam freely through several diverse acres eating bugs they find. They enjoy perching on branches and fences or laying in the sun when they are not busy foraging. Our chickens also get supplemental organic whole grain from a local seller twice a day.  We are excited to start growing our own chicken feed this year . 

    Large eggs  $4.00  dz

    Small eggs $3.00   dz

    Chickens for Sale

    If you are looking  to buy some chicks or chickens, depending on the time of year we will have chicks, hens and rosters for sale.  They are mostly mixed breed (Rhode Island Red, Welsummer, Sussex, Easter Egger, and Buff Orpington) and we can help you chose for your specific needs. Call for availability. 

    Contact Us

    Grateful Homestead

    Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

    (541) 207-2164


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